General Plastic Surgery

General plastic surgery may cover from head to toe. This involves repair, reconstruction, replacement, resection and revision.

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Hand Surgery

Hand surgery is an integral part of plastic surgery training. The entire spectrum of hand surgery is offered by many plastic surgeons. Some of them are carrier hand surgeons trained in centres of excellence in the world.

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Cleft surgery

Cleft surgery has evolved to a customised art where your plastic surgeon will now create a lip that looks and functions normally. The palate repair that is offered by Sri Lankan plastic surgeons are done using microscope to ensure precise dissection and repair of the palate muscles. Thus the voice and facial growth is kept at an optimal level.

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Craniofacial surgery

Craniofacial surgery is a complex area that provides reliable surgical options for many deformities, trauma and tumours.

Burn Surgery

One of the most challenging area in plastic surgery since it need an unconditional effort in immediate care, careful planning, sound idea on the treatment protocols.

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Facial nerve palsy

Paralysis of a part or a side of the face brings challenges to many patients. Plastic surgeons now offer near normal functional recovery through customised surgery packages to suit the patients' context.

Aesthetic surgery

Popularly known as cosmetic surgery; you can consult your plastic surgeon to give a safe surgical and non surgical options. All the plastic surgeons are trained in aesthetic procedures that they only can tailor make to suit your need.

Peripheral nerve surgery

Fine craft of caring for peripheral nerve injuries is a common condition that plastic surgeon often get involved. We are capable of providing the most updated treatments. These include decompressing nerves, suturing, reconstructing, rerouting or transferring to restore function.


This is the Severe burns Emergency management Protocol